
Monday, May 14, 2012

Menu Monday and My Homemade Gift for Grammy

Hello friends! I hope that you all had a joyful Mothers Day. Mine was pleasant. After my menu for the week, I'm going to share with you the gift that I made my Grammy for Mother's Day.
Here's what we are (tentatively) eating this week. It's kind of a touch and go week, so this is really just a sort of vague outline:
Monday: Hamburger Helper (Ugh... yes. About 3 times a year I make this. It's all I can handle. But the kids like it, and if I make it with ground turkey instead of beef, I can tolerate it.) with buttered bread.
Tuesday: It's Little Boy's 5th Birthday!!! His dinner of choice is Chicken Nuggets, with Mac & Cheese. I will throw in a veggie too.
Wednesday: Hot dogs, baked french fries, carrot sticks. (Little League Night)
Thursday: Baked chicken, rice side, veggies.
Friday: Pizza Night! My favorite pizza place added fried pickles to the menu just for me and they debut this weekend!
Saturday: BBQ at home
Sunday: Birthday Party for The Boys.
What are you eating this week? I love checking out other menu plans!

Now, onto the lovely gift I gave my Grammy for Mothers Day. My grandma is a very important person in my life. I'd be lost without her. I was inspired to make this from seeing many similar ones on Pinterest.

When I was a little girl, my Grammy and I would sing this song with/to each other. It was "our song". I created the image using my "Microsoft Digital Image Pro 10" software. (Yep, I know. It is old and outdated, but it still gets the job done!) Then I ordered it as a photo from Walgreens photo center and picked up this document frame for super cheap at Ross. I love the way it came out, and my Grammy loved it too!