
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Letter to my "Big Boy" on his 8th Birthday

Dear Big Boy,
Happy Birthday to You! YOU'RE GROWING TOO FAST!!!!
You were my first miracle. I had hoped, and prayed for you. I cried and cried thinking that you would never be mine. I dreamed of you. I wished on stars, and threw pennies into wells.
It was a physical, mental, emotional time. I was young, but time and circumstance didn't seem to be on my side. And I just knew in my heart of hearts that I was meant to be your mommy. Finally, I found out that I was carrying you inside of me. My instincts told me you were there, and then a test confirmed it. Then my instincts told me that you were a little boy, and it wasn't very long until that was confirmed as well. What a blessing! I felt such joy knowing that you were going to be in my arms soon.
The years have flown by. They have been wonderful years. You are so big now, and so mature. We have very similar personalities and sometimes butt heads. You know how to get under my skin. But, you are kind and generous, and responsible. You are competitive, and passionate. You are so smart, and so inquisitive. You are clever and witty, and hilarious. This world is very lucky that you have entered it. I am very lucky to have you in my life. I am so proud of the young man that you are becoming, and I anticipate watching you become an amazing man. Thank you for being the boy that you.
Love always and forever,